Friday, February 27, 2009

Love List: February Edition...

A sassy British bird, a fierce 90's comeback
and eight other things I'm loving this February.

1. Coraline in 3-D
One of my favorite films so far this year (yes, I realize we're only two months in, but regardless.) Coraline is a great story with eye-popping visuals. I was instantly drawn into Coraline's magical world of escapism. An instant classic (that's not a Pixar flick!) It'll make it's way into my collection when it comes out on DVD. Hopefully the 3-D goggles are included!

2. Lily Allen's It's Not Me, It's You
It's been a good year so far for British songbirds in my iPod-land. First Adele, then Kate Nash, now Lily Allen's latest album is totally rocking my world. Heavy repeats include The Fear, Not Fair, 'Truck' You, 22, Back To The Start, and Everyone's At It.. really the whole album is bloody brilliant. Doing the UK proud.

3. RuPaul's Drag Race
What's more addictive than Project Runway? More fierce than America's Next Top Model? This new reality contest on LOGO is utterly fabulous. I'm torn between Nina Flowers and Ongina. Both queens know how to work it, and have enough creativity, uniqueness, nerve and talent to take the crown... just as long as they "don't f--k it up!"

4. P90X Trainer Tony Horton
I started P90X mid-February. It's the 90-day fitness program that you've probably seen the infomercial... more times than you can count. I enjoy getting my but kicked each and every day. Tony Horton is a great coach to assist me in reaching my fitness goals. He's charming, entertaining and a good motivator. He better be... he's my best friend until mid-May!

5. (Non-Slumdog Millionaire) Oscar Winners
Not that I have anything against Slumdog Millionaire, I just haven't seen it yet. As far as the other winners were concerned, I was thrilled! Sean, Kate, Penelope, Heath and Wall-E deserved to take home the lil' gold guy for their amazing work. Actually I thought the Academy Awards as a whole were quite entertaining this year and Hugh Jackman did an amazing job as host.

6. Dustin Lance Black
The handsome screenwriter of Milk had one of the most moving speeches of the Academy Awards. I was thrilled that he was recognized for writing a beautiful script that celebrated and honored the hard work of a truly marvelous man Harvey Milk, one of my personal heroes.

7. Prayers for Bobby
I think this is the only show I've ever watched on Lifetime TV channel. The red carpet event was TIVO'd on my friend's DVR, but it took a few weeks to get around to seeing it. Sigorney Weaver's performance as Mary Griffith was heartbreaking as a mother coming to terms with her son's suicide. Based on a true story, it's a must see for any parent. It's a perfect display on the power of unconditional love and the ability to change. Inspiring!

8. Netflix Watch Instantly Movies
This new feature is what suckered me back into my Netflix subscription. Having a new computer screen that's as big as a TV certainly helps. Plus I can watch a movie without waiting for it to be mailed to me. Talk about instant gratification in the highest sense.

I've made dozens of fun photos featuring friends, co-workers and family members on this highly entertaining site. It's a great time waster when you're stuck at... er... home, ya, home... with nothing else to do. No mastery of Photoshop required.

10. Ace of Cakes
I am amazed at the art that can be created with some eggs, butter and a lot of fondant. Food Network's series featuring the talented staff of Charm City Cakes. Their creations are too incredible to eat. Good thing I don't have to worry about it, I don't think that Tony Horton or Bob Harper would approve.

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